Saturday, February 20, 2010

Presidents' Day Sunrise Photo

Sunrise on the Mall on the morning of Presidents' Day, February 15, 2010.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wow, what a February so far...

After two historic snowstorms in early February, Washington broke the 1899 record for the most snow in a single winter season. I was snowbound in my neighborhood for 6 days. On the morning of February 12, after earth movers cleared my street, I fought the metro lines for shuttle buses and made it to the Mall. Here is my favorite photo from that morning, showing the amazing snow depth in D.C. I had the Mall and Smithsonian to myself that day. A rare day indeed.

As of this writing, on February 19, we have a rainstorm forecast to put a damper on our snow cover in about three days, then a possible snowstorm to follow later to close out the month. For now, the rumors are it could be a major snowstorm, we shall see...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Weekend Snow then more Snow!

After the weather models trended south all last week, a surprise shift to the north provided us with about 6" of very powdery snow with temperatures in the high teens. I went on a quick photo shoot in Georgetown on Saturday. More snow is currently falling, about 4.5" as of this writing, and another big snowstorm is forecast this weekend. Winter has come back strong, there should be lots of photo opportunities.